Anniversary Sale!!November SPECIALS: Happy Monday! 8 Autumns ago today, Louisville Nails and Spa first opened our doors. All the love and support from...
Appointments!!As a nail salon owner, I cannot stress enough the importance of booking an appointment for regular nail services. While it may seem more...
Your nails and your styleNail enhancements have been a popular beauty practice for centuries, dating back to ancient Egypt and China. People of all ages and...
Dip PowderAs a nail technician, I often get asked about the benefits of using dip powder for nail enhancements. Dip powder is a popular choice for...
The Benefits of PedicuresAs a nail technician, I cannot stress enough the importance of maintaining good foot hygiene and regular pedicures. Regular pedicures, at...
Gift Certificates Orders Now Available!!Looking for the perfect gift for a friend family or loved one? Why not give the gift of comfort, relaxation and pampering! Just email us...
Satisfaction PolicyHello all. We would like to take this opportunity to publish our salon's service satisfaction policy. At Louisville Nails and Spa we take...
Discounts and Promotions!!Hello all! Please watch this blog to catch seasonal discounts and promotions. We are planning a raffle soon for a few lucky winners to...